A Halloween Party with a twist
"The Witch and the Quest for Jack"
One late Halloween's Eve the witch was at her stove busy stirring and brewing her creams and potions. Smoke was emitting form under the lids and steam was puffing all around her, she had tears in her eyes.
Her black cat
BOO sat in the corner,
She knew her witch was crying because she had found a rusty box that morning filled with photographs and postcards from her grand old granny MegsieMae.
She'd been looking for batwings, dragonskins and toadeyes.
She'd read about a traditional celebration called "Ol' Hallows" or "Halloween" or something on one of the postcards. And there'd been photos of fields of pumpkins and toadstools and Jack-O-Lanterns (or whatever they're called) and Witches Gatherings! Oh she'd want to go to one of those....
Now you have to understand that this witch was all alone in her neck of the woods and no pumpkins grew this time of year, so she'd decided to brew this concoction to change her broom into a time traveling vehicle as described in one of Grannies recipes (flying broomsticks, ha, what would they be thinking of next ?) She'd go back in time to Gran's time and go to one of them gatherings, yeah.
The potion was ready now and she conjured up the spell, but it backfired and next to the sweep appeared a dragon to her surprise? Ah well, ever the adapting witch she decided to ride the beast instead. So she gave him a spoonful of the other potion and took a sip herself and *Swish*~~~~ next minute she found herself in a cold dark damp swamp at the foot of a deserted castle, this must have been Gran's swamp ! There were pumpkins to be found
and she quickly picked her Jack and set off to find the gathering of Witches to finally have a real Halloween herself !
Thank you Vanessa for hosting this spooky feast